The 5 Best Tools for Self-Massage

basalt stones for hot stone massage

After a session, people often ask me what they can do at home to help relief their tension and stress. I have a wealth of tools that I use at home that I recommend regularly to clients and wanted to share with you. These massage tools are incredibly helpful for when I need to do self-massage or for when I travel. Read on for my top 5 favorite tools used by many experts in the industry.

  1. Yoga Therapy Ball

    I love my yoga therapy ball. It is something I came across during my yoga teacher training. We were required to have them and we learned how many amazing ways they can be used. My favorite thing to do after a long day on my feet is to roll the bottoms of my feet with the yoga ball. This is a nifty trick for releasing tight fascia throughout the body. If you do this before starting a yoga session, you will actually be more flexible! 5 minutes on each foot is enough and you’ll be helping your tired feet as well as the connective tissue throughout your body!

  2. Muscle Scraper Tool

    These are also recognized a gua sha tools. I am not certified in gua sha but I have learned how to do basically the same thing-muscle scraping. There are a lot of great tools out there one of my favorites being the Sidekick tools. They are amazing and you feel immediate relief after using them for just a couple minutes. The best part is when you buy one they give you access to how to videos so you can start learning how to use it right away. You basically take this tool and gently scrape it along your muscles. It takes very little pressure to bring a lot of relief!

  3. Silicone Cupping Set

    I love my silicone cups from EndiGlow. I use them all the time on clients as well as myself and they are no fuss, easy to use cups. They even come in a handy traveling case so you can stash them in your luggage. I’ve taken mine on countless vacations and they’ve helped me recover from the aches and pains that traveling brings. I also love that they are silicone because I can’t break them! They are a self-suction style cups so you don’t need any fancy tools to make them work. The product comes with a small diagram illustrating the main points and muscles where you can use the cups so you can started right away.

  4. Foam Rollers

    Most folks know what a foam roller is but if you don’t it’s a cylinder made of firm foam that you can use to roll out tight muscles in the upper back and legs. They are not recommended for low back use however so make sure to never roll below your ribs. According to Harvard Medical School, foam rollers relieve muscle tension and soreness. They also help increase flexibility as well as range of motion. Foam rolling is especially helpful for those who sit a lot during the day. Only 10-15 minutes will help so you can do it on a short break during work.

  5. Yoga Props

    I’ve been doing yoga for 15 years now and it wasn’t until the last couple years that I fully embraced yoga props. Blocks, straps and yoga bolsters are now my new best friends when it comes to my yoga practice. Why did I wait so long!? My practice is so much better. I am fully supported during poses that before props I was overstretching or doing wrong because my muscles could not actually engage in the way necessary to do a more challenging pose. This put my joints as well as my muscles at higher risk for injuries. Now I use my props for 80% of the poses I do. If you take yoga classes, whether online or in person, ask the instructor to give you prop adjustments. Any good yoga teacher will easily be able to accommodate this request and it will allow you to better access poses that are difficult for your body making your practice safer and more fun! You can join me for restorative classes on Sunday nights at 7pm where we use props to find our bliss.

What are your favorite ways to release muscle tension and enjoy a massage at home?
If you need someone to do it for you… then book a massage with us here.